Wednesday, January 30, 2008

my perfect weekend

thanks for making last weekend a memorable one - sorry joel for being super weak and not finding a time for us to hang out this weekend, we'll make it up another time.

some of the highlights of this weekend include, but aren't limited to, the following:

breakfast in the haight at all you knead:

spending time with friends who are moving away to new york (how ben tanaka of me, right?) also, note the almost complete new outfit courtesy of justin, who gave me probably $500 worth of free clothes that day.

riding bikes through golden gate park:

finding that amazing coffee can at genki with my face on the cover (although i had to leave it at the airport - those rat bastards at TSA!)

having delicious dinner at miki (note how ecstatic sara looks as she's about to consume her octopus (octopi?)) annie is clearly jealous here.

we went to this terrible sfsu hipster house party in the richmond and justin consumed alcohol for the first time, and was also propositioned to a threesome as evidenced by this photo!

sean recorded some more vocals for our record that has yet to be completed:

and finally on my last day i worked from home and got a surprising amount done. why can't all workdays look and feel like that?

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