Wednesday, January 30, 2008

my perfect weekend

thanks for making last weekend a memorable one - sorry joel for being super weak and not finding a time for us to hang out this weekend, we'll make it up another time.

some of the highlights of this weekend include, but aren't limited to, the following:

breakfast in the haight at all you knead:

spending time with friends who are moving away to new york (how ben tanaka of me, right?) also, note the almost complete new outfit courtesy of justin, who gave me probably $500 worth of free clothes that day.

riding bikes through golden gate park:

finding that amazing coffee can at genki with my face on the cover (although i had to leave it at the airport - those rat bastards at TSA!)

having delicious dinner at miki (note how ecstatic sara looks as she's about to consume her octopus (octopi?)) annie is clearly jealous here.

we went to this terrible sfsu hipster house party in the richmond and justin consumed alcohol for the first time, and was also propositioned to a threesome as evidenced by this photo!

sean recorded some more vocals for our record that has yet to be completed:

and finally on my last day i worked from home and got a surprising amount done. why can't all workdays look and feel like that?


"A nine-mile stretch of U.S. Highway 101 along the Peninsula remained closed in the northbound direction late Tuesday night following an afternoon wreck in Redwood City involving an overturned tanker that leaked fuel onto the roadway."

it took me 1 hour and 15 minutes to make the 6 mile drive, along surface streets, from my place of employment to the "alternate" freeway (280).

i wish i had pictures or fun youtube videos of the stop and go, bumper to bumper traffic, but all i have are the sweet, sweet memories of an awesome evening alone in my car....and this map that i scribbled on...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

House Party

Welcome to 70's Party. The Lou Reed pin is about to send Annie home and come back dressed appropriately.Andrea and Candice were especially sassy.
Ray Charles?
And this is not a frat party, how?
Somebody stole the band's money! Not fair, you guys were sweet.
Derrick living up to his nickname.

You're having so much fun, why do you have to leave?
Mark's moustache made an appearance.
My roommates Gabe and Will. When's the next one? You guys better stay awake and help kick everyone out at 6am.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

Saturday, January 19, 2008

This is how it happened

It's been a long time, but I finally dumped the pictures off my camera. Let me walk you through...

Wassup dumpling pillow and Sara????


We ate so much dim sum.

Conrad took these ones. [edit: no wait I took them]

It's the Frank Miller shot

We rode the bus.

Beard Papas!

Conrad grew up here.

Sleepy eating at Miki (we were there for 3 hours!)

Sara skips the glass and goes straight for the pitcher.

So true.

Self portrait

I'm rich!

Take my jacket off!

New Years Eve and broken pool cue

I need some medicine - Dr. Joel's orders

So much fun this kid

I don't know



Sleepy drunk crowding around Sara

The IF Dance + Ray choking Sara

Shady dude sez: "Are you having a dance contest? I want in. I will dance you off" Who is this dude?? [Edit: "that's the creepy dude who tried to make out with me" - sara]

Mmm beet salad.

I love brussel sprouts. Seriously.


OMG this was really good!

It's the look of love.

Another look of love.

I went to the Chinese Historical Society of New England

It was pretty nerdy

In other words, it felt like home

I got a new laptop!!!!